Saturday, February 3, 2007


I often wonder as I sit and read or listen to the insights and thoughts of others as to why they seem to understand nothing around them. That they are seemingly blinded by ignorance.

Today was no different as I sat in front of the window watching the Ravens in the tree. For a while I had been pondering the word "intolerance." But at the time found myself connecting with the Raven. Then it crept upon me. The answer is so simple. People do not understand themselves, therefore they cannot understand anything around them. You must first understand yourself before you can understand the world around you. Likewise with intolerance - one must tolerate the self before they can be expected to tolerate anyone or thing else.

The Ravens truly are wise.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I would like to first give you some background to what I am going to discuss tonight. I have recently parted ways with an acquaintance, not because of dispute or ill feelings, but because their path and mine were in seemingly very separate directions. I say seemingly because I believe that idea to be false, an illusion used to justify the parting of ways. I'm neither bitter nor fulfilled by our parting, but what it has done for me, rather what this acquaintance has done for me gave me reason to reflect and interestingly enough, given me perspective.

We in western societies like to see ourselves as islands among the stormy seas. Separate from everyone else. That would be nice, if islands floated - but the truth is, much like people the islands are not different or separate from each-other. They are connected to the sea floor which connects ALL land. Instead I would say that we, like the island are more like events than anything else. We are to be experienced, we occur for a finite time and then move on to another event - of what we neither know, nor is important at this time.

With this said - events can affect us in many ways if we choose to let them. Their effects are felt far after they have passed - and in many cases before they occur. For example, it can be said that WWII started on September 1, 1939 - with the invasion of Poland. It ended around May 9, 1945. Yet - we know that that is not true. It's effects are still felt today. And it's build up could be seen for years prior to it's actual event. This is true for we humans. We are events. Our influence is not an island, it proceeds us, and is felt long after we are gone. We are an event to be experienced.

If a person missed the X-Games that person would probably be upset, yet if they missed their friend or family member they do not share the same feeling, why? Simply because they refuse to acknowledge their own selfish nature long enough to enjoy another person.

We exist now, not yesterday, not tomorrow, now. I know to many people that either live in yesterday or live in tomorrow - and they miss the here and now. It is like focusing so hard to see the trees that you miss the forest. And what a beautiful forest it is. What an amazing event we are.